Cleveland Marathon Official Training Partner Fleet Feet CLE Running Club is proud to serve as the Official Training Program Partner for the 2025 Cleveland Marathon! Whether you're looking to finish your very first half marathon or you're a veteran at the 26.2 mile distance, this group has so much to offer. Each week, our experienced + passionate coaches will lead you on two group runs that will include a dynamic warmup, support along the route, + a post-run strength or stretching routine. Your coaches will prepare you for race day with a program that is professionally designed to build endurance, strength, + speed week-over-week. We've got you covered outside of group runs as well with a comprehensive 16-week training calendar that provides the recommended mileage, workouts, + recovery necessary to conquer the 2025 Cleveland Marathon or Half Marathon this May. 2025 spring marathon & half marathon training MARATHON / HALF MARATHON TRAINING PROGRAM Key Dates + Perks: Tuesday, January 28: 1st group run Saturday, February 8: Kick-off celebration with Cleveland Marathon race directors, staff, + program sponsor ASICS Registration includes: Exclusive program apparel items from ASICS $20 Fleet Feet CLE Bucks 15% OFF all in-store purchases during training program 20% OFF all ASICS in-store purchases during training program Exclusive tech sessions + demo opportunities with ASICS Educational clinics with industry leaders covering important topics like nutrition, recovery, + more! Weekly emails from coaches + direct line of communication to coaches for questions throughout program 2 coach-led group runs per week from convenient east or west side locations + full training calendar with programming for solo days Private Strava + Facebook groups Taking advantage of in-store and race entry discounts along with all of the team gear earns runners over $200 of savings, more than the cost of the program! Save even more with the 2025 Yearlong Pass! Not to mention all of the additional coaching, support, events, + fun that comes along with being a part of the Fleet Feet CLE Running Club: Fleet Feet CLE training calendar covering your entire 16-week buildup to race day Fleet Feet Running Club weekly emails covering group run details, events, + informational topics An hour-long, in-person Running Nutrition group clinic with Registered Sports Dietitian, Meghann Featherstun Exclusive brand demo opportunities to try out new running shoes + gear Facebook + Strava groups to connect with your teammates and share your progress Access to experienced coaches ready to answer questions + offer advice Group Runs: Tuesdays at 6:00pm we'll offer two separate group runs from Fleet Feet Pepper Pike + Fleet Feet Westlake so you'll have to option to run from whichever store is closer to you! (30679 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 -OR- 26149 Detroit Rd, Westlake, OH 44145) Saturdays at 8:00am we'll cycle between the area's best parks + paths for our long runs to hit all of the best running spots in NEO. Registration: $110 on or before 12/31/24, $130 after 12/31/24 If interested in multiple Fleet Feet CLE Training Programs, be sure to check out the 2025 Yearlong Pass! REGISTER FOR THE TRAINING PROGRAM 2025 Spring 5K & 10K 5k /10k TRAINING PROGRAM Key Dates + Perks: Tuesday, March 25: 1st group run Registration includes : Exclusive program apparel items from ASICS $20 Fleet Feet CLE Bucks 15% OFF all in-store purchases during training program 20% OFF all ASICS in-store purchases during training program Exclusive tech sessions + demo opportunities with ASICS Educational clinics with industry leaders covering important topics like nutrition, recovery, + more! Weekly emails from coaches + direct line of communication to coaches for questions throughout program 2 coach-led group runs per week from convenient east or west side locations + full training calendar with programming for solo days Private Strava + Facebook groups Group Runs: Tuesdays at 6:30pm at Fleet Feet Westlake (26149 Detroit Rd., Westlake, OH 44145) or Fleet Feet Pepper Pike (30679 Pinetree Rd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124) Saturdays at 8:30am at local parks Registration: $70 on or before 12/31/24, $90 after 12/31/24 If interested in multiple Fleet Feet CLE Training Programs, be sure to check out the 2025 Yearlong Pass! REGISTER FOR THE TRAINING PROGRAM Top